Dienstag, 28. August 2012

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ly low, abnormal desolate voice said: some victims, but also sends a lot of food to several nearby towns, but soon the ethnic killings began, some whites in an organized manner with weapons came to the farm, trying to kill occupied this place,fake oakley sunglasses, we initially did not know their purpose, caught off guard and lost a lot of people and materials. Fortunately, our farm Zhang them with you in January of that year sent 800 young people in the past, as well as the original training in the farm, because the traffic in
Off and other reasons did not have time to leave the predominantly Asian Meishan Group Distribution Division, 2,000 more than the combined 3000 to come, they immediately Zhang organized a counterattack. In May several times to protect the farm the conflict, we have to sacrifice more than a thousand people, the backbone of the country in the past at the expense of over three hundred. subsequently implemented to protect the Sui Dynasty Korea out to rescue a variety of materials and other tasks of the experts and the transfer of the western region, but also lost a lot of people which Many people found infected with the plague, do not want to be transmitted to a few people survived on the outside and later returned to the farm to take advantage of people do not pay attention to quietly leave. most, not even the bones can not be found. eight hundred young people and the original in the young people of the United States, is now a total of only less than 400 people. this time we are back, the U.S. side not responsi

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